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The Winner's Kiss, by Marie Rutkoski
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Détails sur le produit
Broché: 484 pages
Editeur : St Martin's Press; Édition : Reprint (7 mars 2017)
Langue : Anglais
ISBN-10: 1250104432
ISBN-13: 978-1250104434
Dimensions du produit:
14 x 3,5 x 20,8 cm
Moyenne des commentaires client :
4.4 étoiles sur 5
4 commentaires client
Classement des meilleures ventes d'Amazon:
811.141 en Livres (Voir les 100 premiers en Livres)
Dernier tome d'une trilogie prenante qui se dévore en 3 jours, 1 livre chaque jour...On retrouve Kestrel, qui vient tout juste de fêter ses 18 ans de la plus drôle des manières : après que son secret d'espionne ait été éventé par son père (tome2), au lieu de la mettre à mort comme tout traitre à l'empire, l'empereur la deporte dans les mines du nord où elle va devenir pire qu'une esclave, une moins que rien, droguée, obligée d'extraire le souffre indispensable à la fabrication de la poudre à canon. Elle va en perdre la mémoire.De son côté, Erin, persuadé que Kestrel l'a dupé, quitte Herran pour s'embarquer vers le royaume Dacran, dans l'est, à qui il demande de manière désespérée une aide pour combattre l'empire Valorien. Il va trouver en Roshar, le prince, et sa sÅ“ur la reine, des alliés inattendus.Pendant ce temps là, l'empereur et son Général Trajan prépare l'invasion à nouveau de la péninsule d'Herran...La plume de Rutkoski est toujours vive, détaillée dans sa description des batailles sans en être ennuyeuse. Kestrel s'affranchit peu à peu de son besoin de plaire à tous, surtout à son père, pour s'affirmer, pour se battre et pour trahir un monde qui ne lui correspond plus, assoiffée de liberté pour elle et pour les autres, les Herraniens, mais aussi les Dacrans. Un 3e tome éclatant, rempli au 3/4 de batailles, où l'intelligence stratégique militaire et guerrière le dispute avec le besoin de préserver la liberté et la vie des peuples anciennement assujettis.Point de magie ici. On a l'heroic. La fantasy prend forme avec la présence des dieux, jusqu'alors dans les deux premiers tomes en filigrane. Calqué sur l'histoire gréco-romaine, on retrouve des thématiques : conquête, esclavage, rébellion, héroïsme, alliance, dieux, guerriers, machines de guerre. Et en toile de fond, comme dans toutes les tragédies grecques (mais ceci n'en est pas une) une histoire d'amour entre deux êtres que tout oppose. Oui c'est connu, mais c'est joliment raconté. À lire absolument!!!
Some truths about this book and its author:-Marie Rutkoski is The Wicked Witch of the West;-Arin is the spiritual child of the God of Death;-Kestrel’s mind is her best weapon and her worst enemy;-Roshar is a cocky jackass but a true friend;-You’ll be ready to graduate Westpoint Academy summa cum laude by the end of the story;-Do not intend to do anything constructive or productive while reading this story.Let me explain now:-Marie Rutkoski is a wicked woman for what she did to Kestrel. I never imagined what she would live through and YOU DON’T MAKE YOUR CHARACTER SUFFER IN SUCH A WAY! I’m sure it must be written in the author’s code of honor handbook. But it’s very, very clever as it made me hurt so much for Kestrel I had to take breaks before going on with the story. Way to hold your reader’s attention as they hope some miracle will happen and save the main female character;-It’s not “raining men†in this book it’s raining death thanks to Arin. In a battle, he is worth a whole army and his people worship him like a God as he becomes death. He fights and does not feel anything in the heat of the battle but once it’s done, he can’t stop thinking about the woman he killed or the young soldier, or…;- It’s already been established in the former books that Kestrel is not good with weapon. Sshe does not need to as her intelligence is her best weapon. But a big surprise is waiting the reader and her mind will turn against her, leaving her questioning and distrusting everyone. She’ll be a ghost trying to find her way. We’re used to a strong Kestrel but in this book, she’ll be frail and fragile and will have to transcend her condition to become what she was always meant to be: a formidable woman.-By the end of the story, if you were able to anticipate every move, every plot, every twist and turns, I can promise you Westpoint will be a piece of cake, a stroll in the park, easy peasy, etc. Marie Rutkoski always builds intricate strategies and schemes. The Valorian army was Goliath and the Herrani army was David. I could not fathom how they could win against the emperor but Kestrel had more tricks in her hat.This last installment was so enthralling I was engrossed in the story and any attempt at making something useful or productive was doomed from the beginning. Best hang a “do not disturb†on your door, find a quiet spot to read and enjoy this fantastic conclusion to this incredibly well written epic series.
Fin de cette trilogie que j'ai trouvé un peu ennuyeuse et où tout se déroule un peu trop facilement pour les personnages. Sauvetage sans difficultés de kestrel au début, ensuite on trouve une bonne partie du livre où peu de choses se passent avant d'arriver à une fin gagnée un peu trop facilement, sans trop de détails ni de pertes ... j'ai vu mieux dans le genre
A lire absolument! Une excellente découverte, la trilogie est top et les personnages sont très bien écrits. Le style est original et agréable à lireHâte de lire d'autres oeuvres de l'auteure
The biggest problem for me here was the romance.I liked the romance a lot in the first book.But then the romance fell apart in the second books (maybe too much).This third book was supposed to bring it all back together, and it did, I just wasn’t on board with it. I think there was too much that fell apart in the second book and it didn’t get put back together in a way that I could enjoy and be part of. It didn’t lure me back in. It just made me roll my eyes.I actually quite liked Kestrel and Arin separately, but I no longer liked them together. I had zero passion for their romance/relationship, and ultimately that’s what the entire book was about. I felt like even the war took second place to their romance. And since I didn’t love the romance, I couldn’t love the book.The book felt slow.This isn’t really a spoiler, but it spans the entire first half of the book so skip this next paragraph if you'd rather be surprised...In the beginning, Kestrel had lost her memory and she just spent the first half trying to get it back. I guess this was frustrating to me because I, as the reader, knew exactly what she’d forgotten. I had to sit there while she tried to remember stuff that I already knew. It just wasn’t a fun read for me.{{ end of semi-spoiler }Then, the middle to the end was basically one big road trip. Walking. Travelling. Riding. Camping. The actual action was very little. It didn’t hold my interest.Certain parts of the plot were anti-climactic.My favourite part was a minor character: Roshar. Sadly he ended up being quite a minor character who just appeared in certain places but didn’t do much. But I just loved his personality. He was funny and unpredictable.I hoped for so much more, and I’m bummed that I was so disappointed.
The Winner's Kiss was one of my MANY anticipated reads for 2016! While I loved The Winner's Curse, The Winner's Crime focused too much on politics for my taste and I was hoping this final book would redeem the series. I actually found a copy at Barnes and Noble four days before it was supposed to be released and immediately dropped everything and devoured it!This book picks up where The Winner's Curse leaves off, with Kestrel being completely devastated that her father would send her to a work camp, essentially leaving her for dead. In true Kestrel fashion, she immediately starts looking for ways to escape. I love Kestrel so much. Throughout this book Kestrel overcomes so, so much. She pulls herself up from the absolute lowest place she could have gone and rises above everything! She is strong and she's smart and, as someone who would very likely be incapable of defending myself hand to hand, I love seeing a heroine who holds her own with brain instead of brawn!I actually had a little bit of a problem with Arin in the last book, but in The Winner's Kiss he is back to being the amazing, incredible love interest that I loved! It takes him a little while to figure things out for himself, but once he did, he was basically perfect! (Maybe a little too perfect, but whatever - I love him.) The romance between Arin and Kestrel was amazing! For reasons I cannot disclose, their relationship had to start again pretty slowly and Arin was always perfectly patient with Kestrel and did nothing but love her. This romance is the very definition of "in good times and in bad!"Apart from Kestrel and Arin, I absolutely adored Roshar!! He was hilarious and crude and the perfect yin to Arin's yang. Roshar is unabashedly himself regardless of whether things are blowing up or he's playing cards. I loved his relationships with both Arin and Kestrel and that he always backed up Kestrel in wanting to do her part in the army he was responsible for. I also really enjoyed watching him grow as a character, especially towards the end when his sister showed up. To be honest, I would definitely read a spinoff series that was entirely about Roshar!One thing I loved about this book is that it wasted absolutely no time on fluffy filler - it is non-stop action from beginning to end. It hits every important note, never dragging but never seeming rushed either. The Winner's Kiss revolves largely around the war (less politics, more blowing things up!) between the Heranni people (with the help of their Eastern allies) and the emperor. Arin and Kestrel both played very major roles, Arin with his mad war skills, and Kestrel with her brilliant strategy. In any other book I might not be interested in reading about a war, but I was so invested in the characters by the time it actually started that I felt like my life was dependent on the outcome!I also really appreciated that Marie Rutkoski focused mostly on the Herani lands. Although there was plenty of time to get to know Heran in The Winner's Kiss, having the opportunity to explore it further as opposed to branching out into parts unknown. This made the world building feel so much more thorough and I liked that I didn't feel like I had to absorb a ton of new information. Instead I just got to enjoy the story!The Winner's Kiss is easily the best book in The Winner's Trilogy! It was honestly the perfect ending to a series that I had become a little wary of and I don't think there's anything Rutkoski could have done better! (Except maybe give us that Roshar book??) If, like me, you didn't have a fantastic experience with The Winner's Crime, please give this one a chance anyway!
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